So I need more excuses to do more things. Wreck more havoc. Create more Chaos. Cultivate more community, energy and love.
I'd like to throw a fund raiser concert/art show for the West Memphis 3.
One of the most embarrassing things, in my opinion, that the American court system continues to keep alive. 3 teenagers arrested and convicted in Arkansas, for the killing of three young boys. Damien Echols was given the death sentence while Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were sentenced to life imprisonment. They didn't do it though. They were convicted on fears of 'witchcraft', a false testimony, and a scared jury. The evidence overwhelmingly shows that the boys didn't do it.
Damien hasn't been killed yet. But they've been in jail for 15 years! They're not young teenagers anymore, they're grown men, and they've lost so much of their lives. They need to be freed. Damien is on is last appeal with habeas corpus.
I think it would be groovy to run a fund raiser for their legal fund.
That is a Great photo project attached to the site to help fund them! I just got lost in the images..have you seen some of them..i am sure you have...push that...blog more about that...or maybe i right now!! either way good idea!!!
Great website. I like the anarcho-artistic perspective and I lingered over the creative pictures and poetic words.
So if we ever meet, the first drink is on me...
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